Previous editions 2018

During previous editions of the TraineeBattle we have seen amazing ideas rising up.


Are you curious what organisations came up with the single best ideas over the past years? Scroll down  to see the winners of previous editions!


In 2018 De Volksbank came up with the best idea to fight childhood cancer by stimulating 12-24 year olds to raise funds for KiKa.


Winner 2018: De Volksbank


Location: Strijp S, Eindhoven


Client: Stichting KiKa


Case: ‘Devise an innovative concept and marketing strategy to mobilise 12-24 year olds to raise funds for kika.’


Aftermovie: Click here.

In 2017’s edition both Koeckebackers, Heilige Boontjes, De Verbinding and  ITvitae, have gathered input on challenges concerned to “How can we help people distanced to the labour market into work.”


Winner 2017: Eneco


Location: ColourKitchen Zuylen, Utrecht


Clients: Koeckebackers, Heilige Boontjes, De Verbinding, ITvitae,


Case: ‘How can we help people distanced to the labour market into work.’


Aftermovie: Click here.

In 2016’s edition Krachtbedrijf has gathered input on how to support entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups in society.

Location: TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht


Client: Krachtbedrijf


Case: ‘How can we facilitate entrepreneurship among vulnerable groups and eradicate existing taboos and stigmas, in line with the business enterprise programme set up by Krachtbedrijf?’


Aftermovie: Click here.


Location: Radio Kootwijk, Apeldoorn


Client: Staatsbosbeheer


Case: ‘Using which initiative will help Staatsbosbeheer, by employing their collection in an entrepreneurial way, to generate a structural and significant revenue stream, that contributes to the permanent maintenance of our Green Museum?’


Aftermovie: Click here.


Location: De Fabrique, Maarssen


Client: De Sociaal Economische Raad (SER)


Case: ‘How can you, inside or outside your organisation, contribute  to the economic and social growth of the Netherlands, by means of a powerful innovation (a potential Game Changer)?’


Aftermovie: Click here.