About TraineeBattle

Why should your organisation take part in the TraineeBattle? How does it work? And what will we do during the day?

Traineebattle, well what’s that?

During TraineeBattle, young talent from more than twenty iconic Dutch organisations will compete to find the best solution for an important and relevant societal issue.Each year we help a charity or special cause by solving a case. Last year we helped Kika for example. Click here to find the aftermovie of 2018.

Traineebattle X: A dreamstart

This year the 10th edition of the Traineebattle takes place. This is something special to us. That’s why Traineebattle X is all about entrepreneurship. Your team will help young entrepreneurs with a physical disability to build their dream.Despite the challenges these entrepreneurs faced, they have a strong passion to fulfil their mission. This way, Esther is dreaming of tailor-made clothing for everyone & Martine dreams about strengthening the connection between people with ånd without a disability. Check their stories below.

How does this work?

At the end of April your team will be coupled to an entrepreneur. He or she needs help with a specific challenge to kickstart their company. To fulfil the entrepreneurial dream. We will look for a challenge that best fits your team! In a few pre-challenges before the Battleday, you will get to know the entrepreneur and become more familiar with the business model canvas. On the 14thof June, it’s the day for battle! This day is full of inspiration, workshops around entrepreneurship, beautiful stories, going out of the building, experiment and work very hard. Ready for battle? Subscribe by sending an e-mail to traineebattle@frisseblikken.com.